Our prices are listed in USD. For your convenience, we offer a currency converter tool to estimate prices in your local currency. Please access this feature on our website to see a conversion based on your country's currency.
Once you've placed your order, we ask for a production window of 24-48 hours before your items are dispatched. Generally, orders are delivered within 7-10 business days, not counting holidays. Your tracking information will be available and updated within 3-5 business days following the shipment of your order. If you have not received a tracking number after 5 business days, kindly contact us at swayy2023@gmail.com for assistance.
We stand behind our products with a 100% money-back guarantee for any defective or damaged items. You have 30 days from receipt to return the product to us for a full refund. Please note that return shipping is your responsibility. Ensure your name and order number are included on the return package. Once we receive the returned item, we will issue a full refund for your original purchase amount.
Yes, you can easily cancel your order before it has been shipped. If your order has already been dispatched, please refer to our return and refund policy for the next steps.
Shipping times vary as we ship worldwide from different fulfillment centers based on your location. The average shipping time is 7-10 business days. Longer times if shipped from other than the US.
We're here to help! If you have any questions not covered in our FAQs, please reach out to us at swayy2023@gmail.com. We receive a high volume of emails, so for quicker assistance on order-related queries, include your order number and specific details of your inquiry. We appreciate your patience and thank you for reaching out!